Mother Tongue Student
Fatima came to the UK in 2016, leaving behind most of her family and friends in Syria. As a mother and refugee, she has a deep understanding of some of the problems pregnant women in similar positions experience. “During the training, I have learnt different ways to support women giving birth. I want to make women like me to feel safe and confident as a new mother. I think it’s important to share the language of the women to make them feel at home and positive, giving them the birth they deserve. “It has also helped me with my own English. I am going to tell my friends about this programme and encourage them to get involved!”

Mother Tongue Service-user
“I had no one here, all my sisters and mother are still in my home country. I had never been to hospital for birth and I was very scared. I did not know what I was being asked. When the doulas came, they were like angels, they explained to me, they listened to me, they always made me feel safe. Every day I thank God for them.”

Mother Tongue service-user and student
"My 3 year old son has a heart condition and is really attached to me. My husband had to look after him when I go into labour. So, I started preparing myself to birth alone and with no support. I seriously felt that I am better off going back to the Syrian refugee settlements of Iraq to be with my mother and give birth there. But that was not possible, and lockdown made everything more of a challenge.
Sometime later, I was delighted to know that Doulas without Borders will find a doula to support me and someone to interpret who speaks a dialect of Arabic that I understood. The two doulas assigned to me were lovely... I was so relieved and grateful to know that when the time comes to give birth, I will have the support I need.
It was so nice to have the support of a doula at my birth. I then decided to train with Mother Tongue to support other women and families who have no or very little support around. No woman should give birth alone surrounded by people she does not understand".
One of our Mother Tongue volunteers, talking about her position
Some of our Mother Tongue Graduates, October 2021